While some things have changed (like her level of energy and physique) she is still the same 'puppy' who loves cookies and chewing up the house. These days she is a little more strategic with how she goes about it though.
Then along come Foot, a puppy from Cookies
surprise litter.

I should start by explaining how he got his name,
ha. When he was about a week and a half old, Cookie sat on him and
put a kink in his tail and broke his little toe. I can laugh about it
now, but at the time I was in a panic but the Vet said there was
nothing that could be done and he would be ok. He had a limp for a
while so he was referred to as “the one with the sore foot” which
was later shortened to Foot cos he seemed to know we were talking
about him whenever we said it.
He was a little escape artist so he spent most of
the time upstairs with me so I could keep my eye on him. As a puppy
he was a mischief maker. Always playing with his sister, hiding,
escaping the yard, getting into anything they could and rolling in
the stinkiest things they could find, which was generally fresh cow
poo from Daisy. They did everything together. I was sad I couldn't
keep both of them but apparently you can have too many dogs? I think
it is a stupid council rule, but whatever.
The older Foot grew, the more things he got scared
of. His main fears are from loud noises, whether it be thunder,
music, stomping of feet, dropping of a spoon or the noise paper makes
when you flap it around.
Unfortunately though, he is not scared of shoes. I
actually lost count of how many pairs he has destroyed but it's
probably on par with the amount of lounge chairs Cookie has ripped
up. He is also quite obsessive, needy and likes to nap on me with his
nose squashed up against my skin and he also LOVES feet - it doesn't
even matter who owns them.. Just so you know- There is no comparison
to the feeling you have when you take that first sip of your morning
coffee and feel the brush of his wet tongue over your toes.
Regardless, He is my little boy, who isn't little
and not masculine what-so-ever! Honestly; his signature noise is a
whistle that he makes with his nose, not a bark or a growl. When I
get home, all I can hear is a super high pitched squeak and our
visitors commonly mistake it to be a small bird or a car that needs
new brake pads but no- I have to tell them it's just the noise that
the dog makes.
Moving In with Ember.
Ember is Chris' dog. There is a very meaningful
story behind her name which I personally think is a little funny at the end.
Chris does not. This rendition is what I take from the story he has
told me.
So here goes 10 more mins of your life that you will not want to get back.
Years and years ago, Chris had a dog called Bully
which I had the pleasure of meeting. To paint a picture quickly,
Chris was your typical extremely proud “dogfather' the two of them
were very close and did basically everything together until he sadly
passed away. He was buried in the shade of the bauple (macadamia) nut tree in
the backyard because that's where he liked to spend his time, eating
all the nuts.
After that, he got a couple of rescue dogs with
his partner at the time, that left with her when they broke up. When
he moved on, he was ready to get himself a new puppy. One of his
mates' dogs was due to have a litter, so he waited till the day they
were born and went out to pick one. A little greyish female staffy pup
had stolen his heart and so from there on in he named her Ember.
Like a
phoenix that has obtained new life from it predecessor by rising from
the ashes of its former self - a new macadamia nut tree had grown at
bullys' final resting place and Chris had found himself a new life to
share his own with.
The next time he saw Ember a few weeks later, she was bright yellow. To this day he is still in disbelief that his 'once
grey dog' is not actually grey but yellow. Here is where I think it is funny - an
'ember' is in fact yellow, not grey, ha. Slightly poetic when you think about it.
inside the ashes glows a fiery golden ember awaiting to engulf its
surroundings to fuel the flame that will live inside the new life it
is creating.
Since we have all moved in together, here are some
things I have noticed...
Just like the meaning of her name suggests, Ember is a fiery ball of
energy. Literally. She is like a bouncy ball that has been let off
inside a pinball machine that resembles the inside of our house,
excitedly growling as she plummets from one lounge to another as soon
as she hears the jingle of the keys. Shooting from one side of the
room to the other at the slightest indication someone is putting on
their thongs to go outside or chirping like a disgruntled rooster
when she thinks the car is slowing down to stop so she can get out
and play at a new park. This level of excitement also lives in her meagre every
day activities.
Fun fact- she matches the carpet, the kitchen
cupboards, the lino and this cute coin purse I found at kmart.
Ember also likes to 'make love' to random parts of
foots body, like his back, leg or head. Say what you will, 'it's a dominance thing' yeah whatevs, but Foot just doesn't care and is
not bothered by it one little bit, he lay there as if it isn't
happening and continues to sleep.. ( I do stop her from doing it out of mere disturbance) but each to their own I guess.
And last but not least, Her favourite things to
do consist of collecting mouthfuls of dry food from her bowl and
spitting them out on the carpet to eat piece by piece, Sleeping on
peoples heads and snuggling for very short periods of time- only when
it suits her because lets face it- she is about as affectionate as a
wet cat for the rest of the time, going for drives (obviously), and
unmistakeably her all time favourite thing to do is lay in the shade
of the bauple nut tree and eat all the nuts.
PS: They also look funny with eyebrows, I highly recommend doing this if your dog agrees to wearing some (cruelty free) makeup..
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